If you are the parent of an adolescent child, you’ve probably heard about the HPV vaccine and may have some questions about getting your child vaccinated. At Essentia Health, pediatricians strongly recommend parents get their child vaccinated against the HPV...
Summer time calls for cool treats, but I'm always looking for ways I can make treats I feel good about serving to my kids. A visit from the neighborhood ice cream truck is fun once in a while, but...
Tension headaches are brutal — especially as a mom! They can affect you in so many ways. Causing pain, fatigue, discomfort, loss of focus, decreased productivity, lower patience tolerance, and accompanying mom guilt. A lot of moms struggle with...
I was recently invited to try yoga. Prior to the class, I was filled with dread. I was convinced that everyone else would be beautiful, and fit, and have perfect balance. However, the desire to experience camaraderie with the other...
As we get older and our bodies change, we have different questions during our annual exam. By our forties, our questions start to range from menopause to bladder weakness and low sex drive. Unfortunately, some of these topics are still...
This is the final post in a three part series. For more on Harrison's story, see Navigating Epilepsy Part 1: Searching for a Diagnosis and Navigating Epilepsy Part 2: Living with Daily Seizures. At this point in our journey, Harrison...
"Pelvic what? What is Pelvic Floor Therapy?" If you are asking yourself this question, you aren't alone! Pelvic floor awareness has increased with the help of social media platforms like Instagram and Tik Tok. Within the last six months, I’ve had...
When it’s time to fire up the grill and get outside for meals, what is the first food that probably comes to mind? Burgers, right? Burgers on the grill are a classic summertime food. But what about those who don’t eat...
Do you have an empathetic child who is a friend to everyone? I do! Ever since he was a toddler, we could tell that my second son (P) was just wired different than his peers. We say he is an old...
Looking to find a trampoline in Fargo? Growing up, I dreamed for a trampoline like some kids hope for a pet. I got a pet, but never the trampoline. I always heard the excuse, “They're too dangerous!” Well into my adult years...

In + Around Fargo


Best Spots for Mocktails in Fargo & Moorhead

Check out these great spots for mocktails in Fargo! In a world where lifestyle choices and mindful consumption are gaining momentum, the rise of mocktails...

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