Jenny Heidt

Jenny Heidt
Jenny is a chiropractor practicing in West Fargo focusing on moms, from preconception thru the motherhood journey, and is a mama to 2 beautiful girls. As a family we enjoy traveling and spending time trying new restaurants and parks in the area. I also enjoy working out and helping moms find safe and effective ways to get moving.
Water tumblers

5 Best Water Tumblers to Stay Hydrated

Drinking water should be part of your daily life. And appropriate hydration has many benefits including: regulating body, temperature, staying mentally focused, clearing skin, lubricating joints, maintaining digestive health, helping blood flow, curbing appetite...
Self-care for moms.

Simple Self-Care for Moms: 3 Ways to Start

  Self-care can be such a buzz word. However, as a mom, I believe self-care is a necessity. I'm sure every mom has felt some degree of guilt about taking time for herself. And it seems...

C-Section Recovery: 8 Tips for Healing

Every birth experience is unique for mother and baby. Some births are vaginal, either unmedicated or medicated. Other births are planned caesarean, or even emergent cesarean. While cesarean section (C-sections) started out being used only in...
babysitters in fargo

Where to Find Babysitters in Fargo & Moorhead

Finding Babysitters in Fargo Finding a babysitter who is trustworthy and reliable can be difficult. The thought of leaving with your kids with a near stranger can also cause some anxiety. I personally had a very...
Postpartum movement.

Movement during Your Postpartum Months

Motherhood is an adjustment for sure, but for me the first year was the hardest. There is the overwhelm that comes with your new body, the initial healing process, processing your child birth experience — not...
Beach bags

Favorite Beach Bags for Summer

As a mom of two, I have been on the search for a versatile and affordable beach bag. I wanted one to take to the lakes and beaches, that could also be used for swimming...

Are You “Peezing?” 3 Pelvic Floor Exercises to Help

Many of us know the feeling — you have a great, big sneeze (or cough) and BAM, there's that little bit of leakage. You're not alone in "peezing." A majority of moms admit to some level...

Tension Headaches Getting You Down? Tips for Relief

Tension headaches are brutal — especially as a mom! They can affect you in so many ways. Causing pain, fatigue, discomfort, loss of focus, decreased productivity, lower patience tolerance, and accompanying mom guilt. A...

3 Common Pregnancy Pains & How to Help

First and foremost, being pregnant does not mean you have to be in pain. Pregnancy pains are common, but they are not necessarily normal. Here are the three most common reasons that pregnant women find...