An entry from my journal: July 15, 2020 I’ve been feeling guilty and frustrated with myself lately. I have had a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, a hard time feeling eager about working during the day, and...
  Note: If you are struggling with you mental health, please reach out to Postpartum Support International at 1-800-944-4773 or dial 2-1-1 to connect with someone locally. I’m a little bit (ok fine, a lot) of a perfectionist. If I got...
When it comes to our homes, isn't it funny all the different types of cleaning we do? There's the "What?! I didn't know we had company coming over in 30 minutes!" mad dash to get everything tucked away method. The tidying...
Most of us would admit there are things about our bodies or ourselves we are not that fond of. I have been on a journey since childhood that has taken me all the way through my late 30s. It...
It's Friday at 5:00 p.m. The kids are trying to yell over a toy commercial that seems to be competing with their volume. An Amazon package has just arrived, so now the dog has joined the competition for loudest...
I always had the strange feeling that I was not like other girls; that I couldn't do the things my friends could. I had a hard time concentrating in school, yet could read a whole book in one day. It...
Do you ever have times where you just feel "touched out?" The other day my husband came home from work and I was sitting on our bed after changing our six-week-old baby’s diaper, while our three-year-old twins rambunctiously jumped behind...
Trigger Warning: This article expresses the process and difficulties of pregnancy loss. Although the purpose is to create solidarity during a time of such loneliness, we understand if you’re not in a place to read it. Please respectfully skip...
I'm a mom at home with a busy toddler. At the end of most days, I am pretty wiped out, so the last thing on my mind is fitting in a workout. That being said, I know I feel...
Do you have an empathetic child who is a friend to everyone? I do! Ever since he was a toddler, we could tell that my second son (P) was just wired different than his peers. We say he is an old...

In + Around Fargo

things to do in medora

Things to Do in Medora with Kids: Ultimate Family Guide

Planning a trip and looking for things to do with kids in Medora this summer? SUMMER TIME MEANS A ROAD TRIP TO MEDORA! Heading west to...

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