Your room is ready. Everything is washed and hung, sanitized and organized. All we need now, is you. You will be earth side soon and I cannot wait to meet you! But honestly, simultaneously, I’m fighting against a tireless trepidation. Because last time we did this, my...
 I vividly remember looking in the mirror when I was in 7th grade and being so confused and frustrated when I first noticed stretch marks, or my “stripes” as I began to call them.  They were these reddish brown...
At the age of 19, I found out I was pregnant. I was expecting a baby with my then boyfriend of six months, now husband of nine years. In shock and tears, I called my parents who were incredibly...
Believe it or not, but telling your birth story is good for your health. There are various health benefits that come from sharing your own birth story. These benefits range from improved mental health and physical health to even...
In 1965 my parents met when my mom auditioned to be in my dad's band. I grew up watching my brothers play basement punk shows (shout out to H's Cellar in Grafton!), I played and sang in the church...
When we brought our daughter home, I was a bit nervous to introduce her into our household. We had become accustomed to the only-child lifestyle. The "little kid" stuff was gone; we gave it all away when kindergarten started...
Warning: This article discusses child loss and may be difficult for some to read.  The time between a first (or fifth) positive pregnancy test and the first prenatal visit is a whirlwind. After the initial discovery, there are often multiple...
Motherhood will change you. One day you are deciding which brunch spot to hit up for bottomless mimosas, the next you are hyperventilating over what size flanges you need for your breastpump. Everyone comes into motherhood expecting things to...
As I was laying on my hospital bed in labor with my first baby, I closely watched the fetal heart monitor beside me. After every contraction my baby's heart rate would dip down to the low 90's. I am...
We've all heard the phrase "4th trimester," meaning the postpartum time immediately after birth when your baby and your body need so much care and attention. It's almost like an extension of pregnancy; your body still doesn't feel like...

In + Around Fargo


Best Spots for Mocktails in Fargo & Moorhead

Check out these great spots for mocktails in Fargo! In a world where lifestyle choices and mindful consumption are gaining momentum, the rise of mocktails...

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