Looking for resources regarding breastfeeding in Fargo? There are a number of local specialists, classes, and support groups ready to help you on your feeding journey!
*Hours and availability are subject to change due. Please contact each provider to get information on their current services.
Visit our Pregnancy & Postpartum Resource Guide to find more local support on breastfeeding in Fargo!
Breastfeeding Support Groups
Essentia Health
A supportive group for those wanting breastfeeding support after taking baby home. Visit with other moms or find a seat and enjoy the one-on-one time feeding your baby. A lactation consultant is available for specific questions and to review your baby’s weight gain/milk transfer. Held at the South University Clinic (6th Floor Pediatrics) at 1702 South University Drive in Fargo on Tuesdays from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
On Spot Lactation Station
Receive lactation support on Mondays from 9:00 a.m. to Noon at On Spot Therapy & Orofacial Myology (in partnership with Northern Prairie Lactation Services).
Sanford Baby Cafe
This group offers support for all aspects of breastfeeding for pregnant and new mothers. Offered on Mondays 9:00 a.m. – Noon and Wednesdays 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. at Fargo Cass Public Health (1240 25th St S). No registration necessary to attend.
Lactation Specialists
Beyond Boundaries Lactation Support
Jackie Klefsaas: Postpartum Support Doula
Northern Prairie Lactation Services
Rachel Baumgart, RM, IBCLC (Stellar Healthcare)
Breastfeeding Classes
Essentia Health
This class will help pregnant mothers become prepare for a successful and rewarding breastfeeding experience. Topics will include benefits of breastfeeding, initiating breastfeeding after the birth of your baby, and understanding feeding cues. Please contact Essentia Health for days/times.
Sanford Health
Offers classes typically three times per month, with an online option. Provides practical research-based information on breastfeeding for pregnant women. Topics include benefits of breastfeeding, positioning, pumping tools and support, breastmilk storage, and transitioning to a bottle.
Tongue/Lip Tie Support Services
Hagen Dental (Casselton, ND)
On Spot Therapy & Orofacial Myology
Serenity Valley Family Dentistry
Breastfeeding & Pumping Gear/Products
Visit our Pregnancy & Postpartum Resource Guide to find more local support on breastfeeding in Fargo!