My seventh and eighth-grade students come into my classroom. They are used to the routine now. Many of the students come from a class that is more uproarious than English and we have to take the time to recenter...
Prior to having kids, I would sit and daydream what it would be like to be a first-time mom. Of course it was magical, wonderful, every warm fuzzy feeling I could dream up.  I also would make myself imaginary...
"Chickery chick cha la cha la..." His positive attitude rang through the house. He sang animatedly as he strummed his guitar. Standing 6 feet 5 inches tall, he always towered over us kids even as he sat and strummed. "I want...
Get your shoes on. Get your shoes on!! GET!!!  YOUR!!!  SHOES!!!  ON!!!! Our mornings nearly always went something like that. The kids being poky. Not listening. Me repeating myself. Me eventually yelling. Every. Single. Morning. And the most shameful part? I realized it wasn't...
As parents (especially to a young child), my husband and I know how important "parent" friends are. These are the people in our lives who just get it. The ones you can text with weird questions or share your...
As an Elementary School Media Specialist (a.k.a. School Librarian), I have the privilege of being surrounded by children’s books every day. I also have the responsibility to research, purchase, promote and read a variety of books to my students....
I've been a mom for exactly four days. With Laszlo coming quickly, eight days past his due date, it's still a bit surreal that my wait is over and I'm finally getting acquainted with the little human I've so...
I'm 32. I realize that I'm not that old, but ever since I moved back to my hometown I have been feeling nostalgic. Nostalgia is a funny thing; it seems to takes all the memories, filters them to keep only...
Valentine's Day is upon us! Looking for a daycare-friendly treat option that is low on sugar? We've got you covered! Most daycare centers won't let you pass out home-made treats and require the valentines to be in store-bought packaging. Here...
Daycare pick-up is supposed to be a joyful time. You open the classroom door, your child looks up from playing with excitement in his eyes and begins his adorable toddler-trot towards you, complete with outstretched arms. You let yourself...

In + Around Fargo

summer reading programs fargo

Summer Reading Programs in Fargo & Moorhead | 2024

Get the scoop on summer reading programs in Fargo & Moorhead! With summer right around the corner, it's valuable to know what opportunities our kids...

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