So many non-profits are having to cancel their spring fundraising events. Often a major source of revenue, the cancellation or change of these events are hitting our non-profit community hard. They are having to come up with new and...
Anyone else enter motherhood with determination that your child will always eat their vegetables and try all foods without complaint? No way will my kids be picky eaters. They will joyfully try everything I serve them. I was a...
When you have a lot of kids, like I do, people say things to you.  Sometimes they say things out of shock. Sometimes they say things because they are excited, upset, or disgusted. Sometimes they say things because they are...
We've all been there: you're tucking your kiddo in at night and the guilt washes over you. Guilt from how your kid behaved, guilt from how you reacted, and guilt for it happening yet again. All you can muster is,...
If you search “April Fool's Day pranks for Parents” online, you find a plethora of easy, silly pranks to pull on your kids. What you don’t find are tips for handling the MORAL side of April Fool's Day. In...
I had planned on writing this post this summer as a way to improve your child's independence through visuals and, at the same time, decrease arguments and power struggles. But it is likely that during this quarantine you will...
Whether current events have you working from home, or you have a flexible job that allows for this, we can all agree that the work-from-home life with kids is a tricky one. Work needs to get done, kids need...
"Who do you think I will live with if both of my parents die?" This is what a student asked me at school last week. I'm not sure if I looked as shocked as I felt, but I took a...
Living in North Dakota, we have to be creative in the winter to keep our kids entertained indoors. Some winters are longer than others, and this spring has proven to keep us on our toes. As we prepare for...
My seventh and eighth-grade students come into my classroom. They are used to the routine now. Many of the students come from a class that is more uproarious than English and we have to take the time to recenter...

In + Around Fargo

fargo summer

Ultimate Guide of Things to Do in Fargo This Summer |...

Looking for things to do in Fargo this summer? We wait all year for this - IT'S FINALLY TIME FOR SUMMER ACTIVITIES IN FARGO! To make...

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