Tracy Fixen

Tracy Fixen
Tracy aims to live big in a small North Dakota town with her husband and two children. She is a former corporate marketer turned work-at-home mom helping women start each day nourished in body and spirit. Known for her humor and honesty, Tracy loves bringing joy to the lives of others. Besides her family, her biggest loves include New Year’s Eve, a good pen, and making art projects. Her dislikes include car washes, ventriloquist dolls, and mashed potatoes.
rainy day activities

10 Rainy Day Boredom Busters

What do we do when the weather doesn't cooperate and the kids have to stay inside? I don't know about you but I am always looking for some new ideas to help bust the...
picky eater

5 Tips to Help Your Picky Eater

Anyone else enter motherhood with determination that your child will always eat their vegetables and try all foods without complaint? No way will my kids be picky eaters. They will joyfully try everything I...
mom brain overload

How to Communicate “Mom Brain Overload”

I used to think I was a queen at multi-tasking. Productivity was my jam. I was like Super Woman, always checking off as many of those to-do items as possible. However, these days it...
Work from Home

Managing the Work-From-Home Life

Whether current events have you working from home, or you have a flexible job that allows for this, we can all agree that the work-from-home life with kids is a tricky one. Work needs...
winter activity

Embrace the Cold: Five Tips to Help Enjoy Winter

Born and raised in Minnesota, you'd think I'd be able to enjoy winter easily. I grew up playing in the snow. I ice skated with skates that were too small, cross country skied with...