Looking for a cute and tidy list of simple steps to make a smooth transition back to work after having a baby? Great! Me, too. When you find that list, send it my way. Or better yet, don't. Because I wouldn't...
Thank you to our partner ima Kids Care for sponsoring this article. There are many options for pediatricians in Fargo, so it's important to find the right fit for you and your family. Choosing a pediatrician can take time and...
When you are expecting your first baby, you are given a certain set of expectations to follow. Limit your caffeine intake. Don’t gain too much weight. Take all the baby classes.  Stock up on baby gear. And, most importantly, figure out how you’re going...
I just left you with strangers. I left you with people you do not know in a place you have only ever visited. I know they are trained and are caring and kind. I have all the access in the world...
Take a moment and think back to the early postpartum weeks. Other than sleep, was there something you couldn’t wait to do? Some part of your routine pre-baby, something that made you feel great, that you were dying to...
Our second child is less than two months old, and I have recently realized I have a love-hate relationship with breastfeeding. There are highs and lows, advantages and disadvantages, and so many sleepless, yet special, nights. Some days I feel...
By now most of us have seen the memes that compare "How It Started vs. How It's Going." Way before the social media trend, my high school Home Economics teacher had us each write a letter during our senior year...
Hip dysplasia: have you ever heard of it? Don't feel bad if you haven't because up until about two years ago, I had never heard of it either. Little did I know, I would soon become very familiar with...
With March being Pregnancy After Loss (PAL) Awareness Month, it has me thinking back to my most recent pregnancy (which seems like a lifetime ago). I had a healthy baby boy via a planned Cesarean in September 2020, and...

Farewell Mr. Bear

When our firstborn came into this world, we were so incredibly lucky to be showered with gifts. One of those gifts turned out to be his best friend, his comfort animal, his everything. My son was such a good baby, only...

In + Around Fargo

fargo summer

Ultimate Guide of Things to Do in Fargo This Summer |...

Looking for things to do in Fargo this summer? We wait all year for this - IT'S FINALLY TIME FOR SUMMER ACTIVITIES IN FARGO! To make...

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