Allow me to introduce you to two women, Marcia and Phyllis. Marcia has a 4-year-old daughter and 3-month-old son. Phyllis is a proud first-time mom to a 6-month-old boy. Both Marcia and Phyllis are, by today’s standards, “lucky.” Because they...
Dear Jane, The world is a better place because you were in it. Your sarcasm was legendary and you always told the best stories. Every single detail in your stories remained intact, even as the years passed between the time...
A dad writing for “Fargo Mom”… it’s the year 2020 and nothing makes sense. So, here we are, ladies. I thank you for welcoming me and I am excited to have the opportunity to write for a new audience. Some...
Most of us have heard the term Helicopter Parent; they are the parents who are quick to rescue their children for the littlest things, sometimes even going as far as completing homework or other tasks to ensure their kids...
It all started with a cherry. I bought my kids cherries thinking, "What a wonderful summer treat this will be!" Well, I was half right. It was also the start of a burgundy-stain-filled mess. You see, my kids don't know...
Note: Fargo Mom understands that all moms make different choices based on what works best for their family. Our writers have a variety of experiences we plan to share in the coming months, including the positive experience of co-sleeping.  The...
Isn’t it funny how we try to teach our kids life lessons and they end up teaching us? Lessons that we already know, but perhaps need a refresher on. Gratitude is one thing I strive to teach my young...
Dear New Moms, You're tired, infatuated, emotional, and so loved. The little person that you grew from a tiny cell has already given you glimpses of personality, and is now a breathing and all-consuming being showing more of themselves every...
By now most of us have seen the memes that compare "How It Started vs. How It's Going." Way before the social media trend, my high school Home Economics teacher had us each write a letter during our senior year...
At the age of 19, I found out I was pregnant. I was expecting a baby with my then boyfriend of six months, now husband of nine years. In shock and tears, I called my parents who were incredibly...

In + Around Fargo

Where to donate baby things.

Where to Donate or Sell Baby Items in Fargo-Moorhead

When you first had your baby, you probably bought all of the 'must-have' items: highchairs, walkers, strollers, cute outfits, and more! And now that...

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