I haven't written in a while. For a long time, I felt like an imposter. Like I was trying to hide the truth of my own story while trying to focus on the positive in life and in my...
From the moment my third daughter was born, I already began to think about the world all my girls would all grow up in. Coming of age in the 90’s myself, I remember how challenging it was growing up...
"He doesn't qualify for an IEP anymore." I couldn't believe I was hearing those words. After eight years of being on a 504 Plan and an Individualized Education Program (IEP), my 7th grader who has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)...
That’s right. We taught our three-year-old son to potty train in a weekend. I went into it pretty terrified, but it turned out to go more smoothly than I thought! Okay, maybe not easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy, but potty training turned out to...
We read a lot of books at our house. As a result, we have accumulated quite the children’s library. In our collection are some incredible board books that are able to capture the attention of our toddler. And they...
While we should always be encouraging gratitude in our kids year-round, the holiday season is a special time of year to reflect on all things we are thankful for. We've started a tradition in our home of writing down...
Ever since my boys were little, I knew football would be in our future. Both my husband and I grew up watching this all-American sport with excitement for the intensity and elite athleticism football is known for. Football was...
Prior to having kids, I would sit and daydream what it would be like to be a first-time mom. Of course it was magical, wonderful, every warm fuzzy feeling I could dream up.  I also would make myself imaginary...
It all started with a cherry. I bought my kids cherries thinking, "What a wonderful summer treat this will be!" Well, I was half right. It was also the start of a burgundy-stain-filled mess. You see, my kids don't know...
I am a physical therapist and have worked in the school system for 19 years. My own four children go to public school, and attend school with many of the kids I work with. Throughout the years, I've gained...

In + Around Fargo

fargo summer

Ultimate Guide of Things to Do in Fargo This Summer |...

Looking for things to do in Fargo this summer? We wait all year for this - IT'S FINALLY TIME FOR SUMMER ACTIVITIES IN FARGO! To make...

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