There are a plethora of articles out there about ways to help your kids learn, how to create safe learning spaces, and how to give yourself grace as you navigate homeschooling. But I was looking for something different; I...
Five boys. My husband and I grossly underestimated the commitment level of parenting when we decided to have five children, especially all boys.  Many days, our home is filled with wrestling matches, verbal arguments that lead to some sort of...
It's a familiar scene to many parents: you finally get your kiddo into bed only for them to come out, over and over again. Or, it's the middle of the night and you find a kid (or 2) in...
My wife and I have been licensed foster parents in Clay County for two and a half years. During that time, we’ve had six children come into our lives through the foster care system. We adopted our oldest two...
Are you in need of childcare or recently had a change in your childcare arrangements? Read on for things to think of when searching and steps you may want to take! In a little over a week our third child...
Growing a family, growing a career, and being a working mom; it’s hard. It means talking shop in your sweats after supper around the dirty dishes in your kitchen. See that photo? Yep. That's me and the hubs at night...
When you have a lot of kids, like I do, people say things to you.  Sometimes they say things out of shock. Sometimes they say things because they are excited, upset, or disgusted. Sometimes they say things because they are...
My 4-year-old daughter is my more "difficult" child. You know what I mean, the kid that pushes your buttons just a little bit more. The kid that takes more work, both mentally and physically. She is sassy, loud, and...
We've all been there: you're tucking your kiddo in at night and the guilt washes over you. Guilt from how your kid behaved, guilt from how you reacted, and guilt for it happening yet again. All you can muster is,...
If you search “April Fool's Day pranks for Parents” online, you find a plethora of easy, silly pranks to pull on your kids. What you don’t find are tips for handling the MORAL side of April Fool's Day. In...

In + Around Fargo

fargo summer

Ultimate Guide of Things to Do in Fargo This Summer |...

Looking for things to do in Fargo this summer? We wait all year for this - IT'S FINALLY TIME FOR SUMMER ACTIVITIES IN FARGO! To make...

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