Breast & Cervical Cancer: 7 Symptoms to Watch For

Thanks to our partners at Women's Way for sponsoring this article and sharing this important information.
Breast & cervical cancer prevention
Photo provided by Women’s Way

How well do you think you know your body?

Pretty well?

Or to put it this way: how quickly would you notice a new symptom, such as a breast lump or a change in the length of your menstrual cycle? 

A critical component of managing your health is knowing what’s normal for your body.

If you give your body the attention it deserves, it’s easier to identify new symptoms that may otherwise go unnoticed. 

Breast & Cervical Cancer: Symptoms

When it comes to breast and cervical health, recognizing and addressing symptoms early on could potentially save your life, or that of a loved one.

Let’s talk about breast health.

Ladies, you have to know your girls! No, not your girlfriends. We’re talking about your breasts.

By having a baseline of what’s normal for you, you’ll more easily be able to notice new breast symptoms. 

Establish a baseline by making it a habit to perform self-breast exams on a regular basis. 

Breast Exam: What to Watch Out For

  • Lump or firm feeling in your breast or under your arm. 
  • Nipple changes or discharge.
  • Skin that is itchy, red, scaled, dimpled or puckered.

The other way to establish a baseline of your breast health is to get a mammogram.

Don’t wait until your 40s to ask your provider about scheduling one. Start the conversation early — and encourage the women in your life to do the same!

Reaching out to a health care provider can help determine if you’re at high risk for breast cancer and, together, you can decide when to begin your annual mammograms. 

Now, let’s talk about cervical health.

Cervical cancer doesn’t get nearly as much attention as breast cancer, but it’s also a big health issue for women. Especially since, many times, there are no signs or symptoms of cervical cancer.

That’s why it’s so important to follow the recommended schedule for your Pap and HPV tests.

If you skip these screenings and wait to see your provider until you have abnormal symptoms, it could be too late. 

Even if you follow the recommended screening schedule, it’s still important to monitor your body and watch for new symptoms.

Cervical Cancer: Things to Watch Out For

  • Irregular bleeding between periods, or periods that are longer or heavier than usual.
  • Pain during intercourse or bleeding after.
  • Sudden increased vaginal discharge.
  • Unexplained, persistent pelvic and/or low back pain.
And if scheduling a mammogram or Pap test seems out of reach, Women’s Way can help.

Breast & cervical cancer prevention

For many women, barriers such as lack of transportation, health insurance, or child care can make scheduling an appointment seem too far out of reach.

Thankfully, help is available through Women’s Way, Fargo Cass Public Health. 

One in 17 North Dakota women between the ages of 21 and 64 may be eligible for free breast and cervical cancer screenings through Women’s Way.

If there’s a woman in your life who you think could benefit, have them contact local coordinator, Caitlin Nitz, at (701) 298-6918 or (800) 449-6636.

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