Food Pantries in Fargo & Moorhead

food pantry Fargo

There are some wonderful organizations that operate food pantries in Fargo & Moorhead. We’ve rounded up a list of them below, including days and times of operation, as well as contact information. If you are looking for something more specific, or additional services, we encourage you to dial 2-1-1 to get connect with FirstLink to find what you need!

Food Pantries in Fargo & Moorhead

Church of God

Address: 227 West Main Ave, West Fargo

Phone: (701) 639-6240

Hours: See website or call for updated hours.

Requirements/Details: Open to anyone.

Dorothy Day Food Pantry

Address: 1308 Main Ave, Moorhead

Phone: (218) 656-7628

Hours: See website or call for updated hours.

Requirements/Details: No ID or income verification required.

Emergency Food Pantry

Address: 1101 4th Ave N, Fargo

Phone: (701) 237-9337

Hours: See website or call for updated hours.

Requirements/Details: Available to individuals and families in Cass and Clay County and surrounding areas. Limit one basket every other month. Must bring ID.

Faith United Methodist Food Pantry

Address: 909 19th Ave N, Fargo

Phone: (701) 232-6844

Hours: Please see website and calendar for updated days/hours.

Requirements/Details: Open to anyone.

McMerty’s Food Pantry (St. Mary’s Cathedral)

Address: 630 7th Ave N, Fargo

Phone: (701) 235-4289

Hours: Check website or call for updated hours.

Requirements/Details: Open to anyone who needs food, regardless of where you live.

Neighborhood Church

Address: 730 27th St N, Fargo

Phone: (701) 532-2727

Hours: Hosts pop-up pantries throughout the month. See their Facebook page for when the next one is scheduled.

Requirements/Details: Open to anyone who needs food, regardless of where you live.

Olivet Food Pantry

Address: 1330 University Dr S, Fargo

Phone: (701) 235-6603

Hours: Check website or call for updated hours.

Requirements/Details: Open to anyone, no requirements to attend.

Peace Lutheran Food Shelf

Address: 1011 12th Ave N, Fargo

Phone: (701) 232-7166

Hours: Check their calendar or call for updated hours.

Requirements/Details: Open to anyone.

Pontoppidan Lutheran Church

Address: 309 4th St N, Fargo

Phone: (701) 232-0998

Hours: Hosts a mobile food pantry once per month, usually Thursday afternoons. Visit their Facebook page to see a schedule.

Requirements/Details: Open to anyone.

Ruby’s Pantry

Address: Pop-Ups occur at varying locations. See their website for the next pantry pop-up event.

Hours: Select your location to find current days/times of each pop-up.

Requirements/Details: For a $25 donation, you will receive a large supply of groceries. No residency or income requirements. 

Salvation Army

Address: 304 Roberts St N, Fargo

Phone: (701) 232-5565

Hours: Daily hot breakfast is served Monday through Friday from 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. and hot lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Requirements/Details: Open to anyone.

Seeds of Hope Food Pantry (Dilworth)

Address:14 Center Ave E, Dilworth, MN

Phone: (218) 288-4300

Hours: Offers a food pantry on select days. See Facebook page or call for updated hours.

Requirements/Details: Open to anyone.

Tri-City Haitian Ministry

Address: 1419 17th St S, Fargo

Hours: See their weekly schedule or call for updated days/times.

Requirements/Details: For more information, check out their Facebook page.

West Fargo Eats

Address: 1402 16th St E, West Fargo

Phone: (701) 282-0514

Hours: Days and times vary, as they offer grocery pick-up (must call ahead), in-person shopping (appointment required), and some pop-up pantry days. Please see their website for full details and schedule.

Requirements/Details: Can be utilized once per month (not counting pop-up events). Most require an appointment or call-ahead order. 

Did we miss any food pantries in Fargo or Moorhead? Contact us at [email protected] and let us know to add them!

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Katina Behm
Katina grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia and played field hockey at the University of Connecticut, and has never been in as good of shape since. She met her husband, Justin, at a bar in Pittsburgh and, despite many romantic Skype dates, found a long-distance relationship to be a drag and moved to Fargo in 2010. She's a bonus mom to Justin's son, Owen (2005), and they have twins Augie and Delphi (2016) and two Great Danes, Rainy and Moose. She's a Speech-Language Pathologist & Certified Brain Injury Specialist who enjoys helping her patients improve their quality of life. She is also a Certified Sculpt Instructor at Mojo Fit Studios. Katina loves showing the world to her kids (but also seeing the world through their eyes), trying new foods, listening to live music and publicly mocking her little brother on Instagram. On most weekends, you can find her at one of her kids' many activities by day, and by night on the couch in sweats, eating a homemade charcuterie board and drinking cheap wine she bought at Costco. She still has Skype dates, but now they're with friends and family who live all over the place.


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