Jen Troska

Jen Troska
Jen has a passion and thirst for life and life-long learning. She is always seeking new experiences and opportunities for personal growth, believing that we all need one another in our life journey. Born and raised in Minnesota, she is a true Midwestern girl with a "go get it" attitude! Her first passion in life is her four children: Justin, Jacob, Julianna and Jonathan. Jen strongly believes in connection and community involvement, leading her to begin a journey with other parents of children with special needs in the F-M area. She believes that we all desire connection at our core and can really only grow as a result of these connections!
working mom on computer

Balancing Act: When You Love Your Job and Your Kids

“You have it so together, I don’t know how you do it all!” Not exactly the compliment I was expecting this week on a lunch date. To be honest, I had on mismatched socks...