Trisha Stibbe
World Down Syndrome Day: Thank You for Loving My Child
Happy World Down Syndrome Day!
Today, March 21, is World Down Syndrome Day. I find myself reflecting on the immense gratitude I feel for the individuals and communities that have embraced children with Down syndrome...
11 Books to Help Kids Understand Difference & Inclusion
One of the most common questions I hear is, "How can I explain differences to my kids?" Followed up with, "Is it okay to ask questions?"
As a mom to two children with special needs...
Down Syndrome Awareness Month: Let’s Talk Facts
No one said it would be easy to raise a child with Down syndrome. And it definitely isn’t. But in the five years of raising our daughter, Claire, it has been rewarding beyond measure....
Siblings of Kids with Special Needs: Meeting Their Needs, Too
As a child of the '80s and '90s, I grew up knowing almost no one with a disability. Sure, I’d see some kids with special needs at my school. But rarely did I interact...
Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day & Gigi’s Playhouse
World Down Syndrome Day is perhaps my favorite day of the year. As a mother of four children, and only one who has Down syndrome, perhaps it’s shocking that I openly admit such a...