Brittany Schank

Brittany Schank
Brittany is a deep believer that we need less fixing and more loving, less perfection and more appreciation for who we are, and less criticism and more encouragement around us. She is mama to Paityn Truley (5) and Behron Dehn (2) and wife to Landon Schank. She was born and raised in the Fargo/Moorhead area. She is a brand new business owner of Solace Counseling, where she provides mental health therapy to mamas in the thick of mommyhood, sexual assault survivors, professionals in the community, and many others. She is also the author of "Narrating Audiobooks: Everything You Need To Know To Get Started." She has been enlisted in the North Dakota Air National Guard for 13 years. In her me time, when she isn’t chasing her kiddos around, she loves to spend time at the lake catching the biggest fish of the group, sipping on iced coffee, and listening to self-help audiobooks.
counselors in Fargo

Counselors in Fargo-Moorhead: When & How to Get Help

Note: If you are in crisis or feeling suicidal, please dial 2-1-1 or 701-235-7335 to connect to FirstLink's Information and Referral Hotline.  It is a free phone helpline available 24/7 to the public. Sometimes life...
finding yourself as a new mom

Believe in Yourself, They’re Watching

"Mama, do you feel nervous?" There was a little voice at the bottom of my feet while I was in the bathroom curling my hair that spoke these calm, sweet words. "I am, baby. How did...

Postpartum Depression: How Do We Know?

Preparing for Baby Being a mom is, hands down, the most important job I have ever done. This is also the job I question myself on the most and was hired at when I was...
tips for calming anxiety at bedtime

5 Ways To Calm Anxiety At Bedtime

We've all been there: you're laying in bed at night waiting to fall asleep; the room is set up perfectly, just like you have it every night; the lights are out, the shades are...